About Us
Team of Engineers
Auris Audio has an in-house production and team of audio engineers with great professional experience in designing audio equipment. In very close cooperation, this team aproaches each project with the utmost care and devotion and gives the maximum dose of professionalism in order to offer the top notch High End products. Every device is hand crafted.
Using best components and materials, without any compromises on quality, Auris Audio positioned itself among the top manufacturers of audio equipment.
Although we have vast experience and knowledge in the field of electro-acoustics, the company is constantly investing in professional growth of its employees by additional educations, seminars, work-shops...

Many audio enthusiasts enjoy the warmth of a tube amp, because tubes represent a key factor of quality.
For its electronics, Auris Audio uses tubes of different brands and various origins, which have specific features. Every batch is strictly analysed in order to select only the best components.
Vacuum tubes used in Auris Audio products are subject to individual testing and internal inspection, so that only selected and match-paired tubes of the best features are incorporated in our products.
In addition to new vacuum tubes, for some models and upon a customer’s request, we also incorporate carefully selected and pre-tested NOS (new old stock) tubes manufactured decades ago by producers such as RCA, RFT, TUNGSRAM, EI, SIEMENS...
Transformers are the essence of quality, and therefore products of Auris Audio contain only manually wound transformers on a double C core produced by “Trafomatic” or Auris Audio. Every single transformer is manufactured in compliance with strictly defined requirements, thus providing almost a linear characteristic in the whole acoustic/sound range.

Auris Audio incorporates strictly defined series /batches of capacitors produced by Mundorf, Rubicon, Siemens, Epcos and Audiophiler, Wima. Depending on the product class, we incorporate capacitors produced by leading manufacturers based on technology “paper, oil in foil”, “gold, silver in oil”, “silver-mica”, “ polypropylene – polystyrene ”.

Custom made connectors are incorporated into Standard products of Auris Audio, and WBT silver connectors are incorporated into some products of Premium class or upon a customer’s request for the finest sound.
The chassis is at the same time aesthetic and hard-wearing, allowing us to guarantee the performance of our products. They are manufactured from superb materials, primarily intended to be robust and durable, and also to protect against vibration impacts.

Trials & tests
Each of our products is bound by very strict successions of tests and controls executed by highly-skilled technicians.
All assembly stages receive specialized inspections, executed with the help of the most high-performance technology. When any product has some defect during the test phase, it is immediately taken out of the production line.
All areas of design requirements have been thoroughly re-investigated with many new solutions being sought.

Founded in 2013, Auris Audio's mission was then and to this day remains, to fulfill the desires of the most demanding audiophiles and delight both listener's ears and visual senses. We decided to invest long-term ideas, experience and resources in the unification of retro design and the future of audio sound quality.
The term “future of audio sound quality” is used intentionally, because the experience Auris Audio can provide to our customers is uncomparable

Based on experience in designing amplifiers and other electronic devices, Auris Audio's philosophy is rooted in Superior design, natural materials and skills of making, which give us the right to claim that our products are handcrafted with soul.
Following his dream, founder and CEO of Auris Audio, Mr. Milomir Trosic, had only one thing in mind, the end-user and his satisfaction.
His leading motivation has been to achieve constant fulfilling of desires and needs of audiophiles by giving them the full enjoyment in the smooth and detailed sound. Guided by this light motive, the team of dedicated engineers, audio designers and craftsmen are all committed to making Auris Audio dream come true.